A few ‘minor’ tweaks

We’ve been reconsidering our plan; we’d initially opted for the DC Netgain Motor and controller on the basis of price. But what we want to achieve and what that motor / controller can provide are two significantly different things. And once you factor in the cost of the batteries, well, wasting decent batteries on a setup that’s not perfect; it seems foolish.

We’re also involved in planning something a trifle extreme. Not, y’know, mongol rally extreme, that would be foolish; but a very long distance journey in an EV, which may require a range-extending battery pack. This all adds complexity to the initial problem; so we’re looking at various EV conversion companies to see if what we want to do is even faintly feasible.

All of this takes both time and, of course, more money.

So please be patient with us as we make sure our foundations are solid before we build our conversion 🙂

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